Saturday, 30 June 2018

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 1,010.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 02-Jul-18. Info: MPS*AMRAVATI .

The Available Balance in your account is INR 7,188.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Cash Withdrawal of INR 500.00 has been made at an ATM using your Debit Card linked to Account XX3493. Info: NFS*CASH WDL*30.

The Available Balance in your Account is INR 8,198.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 230.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IPS*MHAISKAR IN.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 8,698.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Cash Withdrawal of INR 1,000.00 has been made at an ATM using your Debit Card linked to Account XX6265. Info: NFS*CASH WDL*30.

The Available Balance in your Account is INR 39,719.00.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 20.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 8,928.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 10,250.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IIN*PAYTM .

The Available Balance in your account is INR 8,948.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Missed You: Your ICICI Bank Loan Welcome Kit status

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

We attempted delivery of your Loan Welcome Kit for Account XX4011 via Blue Dart Courier, AWB 35349878793 on 30-JUN-18.

For more information, you can write to us at from your registered e-mail ID or call our Customer Care.

Now get digital convenience with iMobile app and Internet Banking. Access a host of services like Generate PIN, Re-issue Debit Card, Order Cheque Book, View/ Download Statements and much more. To know more, visit

Looking forward to your co-operation in helping us serve you better.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited.

This is an auto generated e-mail. Please do not reply.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 62.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 19,198.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 299.17 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 19,260.78.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

000CMaDK8YWCH4E2:000CMaDK8YWCDS5C:Level1Complaint / Loans

Dear Customer,

We regret for the inconvenience caused to you.

With reference to your e-mail, We are deeply concerned with the issues raised by you in your e-mail. We regret that our service couldn't live up to the expectations.

We focus considerable effort on training our staff to ensure high levels of service and we shall further strengthen our initiatives in this direction based on your feedback. We earnestly hope that the negative experience you had will not come in future.

All our customers are important to us and your feedback will aid us in introspection and improvements in our processes ultimately leading to customer delight.

We apologize, once again for the unpleasant experience and assure you, that every effort is being made to ensure that such lapses do not recur.  

We inform you that complaint has been registered with Service Request SR552683422 for confirmation on status of your Home Loan application.

Your complaint will be processed by July 9, 2018.

You may also call our Customer Care (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) with your STD code followed by 33667777.

Alternatively, we request you to visit the ICICI Bank branch for further assistance.

We request you to look for the nearest ICICI Bank Loan Servicing Branch on our website >> Find ATM/Branch.

We thank you for giving us an opportunity to be of service to you.


Shagufta Memon
Customer Service Officer
ICICI Bank Limited

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.



Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 100.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 27,343.95.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 43.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 27,443.95.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Payment received on your ICICI Bank Credit Card.

ICICI Bank Online
Dear Customer, Jun 30,2018
Greetings from ICICI Bank!

We have received payment of INR 140.00 on your ICICI Bank Credit Card account 4375 XXXX XXXX 8006 on 30-Jun-2018.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.

Thank you.

ICICI Bank Credit Cards Team.
This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail ID.

Discover a new way of paying your Credit Card bills from your bank account anytime anywhere by using ICICI Bank iMobile. GPRS users, SMS iMobile to 56767661. For details, please click here .
The information provided herein regarding products, services/offers, benefits etc. of ICICI Bank are governed by their detailed terms and conditions, internal policy guidelines as specified by ICICI Bank from time to time and are subject to applicable laws and regulations. The information provided herein above does not amount to an offer or sponsor or advice as regards any products or services of ICICI Bank or any of its group companies and is not intended to create any rights or obligations. Any reference to service levels in this document are indicative and should not be construed to refer to any commitment by ICICI Bank and are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank or its group companies as it case maybe. The use of any information set out herein is entirely at the recipient's own risk and discretion. The "ICICI Bank" and "i-man" logos are trade mark and property of ICICI Bank Ltd. Misuse of any intellectual property or any other content displayed herein is strictly prohibited. Images used herein are for the purposes of illustration only.
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Friday, 29 June 2018

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

A purchase of INR 4,446.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 30-Jun-18. Info: MPS*TANISHKA HO.

The Available Balance in your account is INR 27,414.95.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

Your EBill Password for Mobile Number: 9996315764, Airtel Account: 1376306522

Dear Customer,

Please find below the password for your latest mobile bill received on your email.


Warm Regards,
Bharti Airtel Limited

**Manage your account from your Mobile at your fingertips.
Dial *121# for account related information.

** Quick Tips

Start a Service: SMS START to 121 or Dial *121*4#
Stop a Service: SMS STOP to 155223 or Dial *121*5#

Disclaimer : To ensure confidentiality, we request you to neither share
the password with anybody nor to store this email.
Airtel will not be responsible for any loss that may arise as a result of
misuse of the Billing Statement(s), as a result of sharing of password or
any other unauthorized access.

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited . The information contained in this mail is propriety and strictly confidential.

Your Airtel Mobile Bill for 9996315764 for 27-Jun-2018 is ready to view

Airtel number: 9996315764 Due amount*:
Relationship number: 1376362274 Due date**: 15-Jul-2018
Bill period: 26-May-2018 to 25-Jun-2018
Some Important Points
  • Your Airtel ebill is protected by a unique password which is sent to your mobile
  • For mobile ebill password, SMS EBILLPASSWORD to 121 or click here
  • Ebill password remains the same every month and is case sensitive with no special characters
  • Add to your email address book to avoid ebill from going to the spam folder
  • You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the attachment. If you don't have Acrobat, please click here
  • Your web/IT/email administrator should permit emails with attachments
    Manage your Airtel account on the move - view your bill, make hassle-free payments, change bill plan and do much more.
    Download My Airtel app now
    Best wishes,
    Airtel - The Fastest Network
    * In case the value is " - ", please refer to the amount generated in the billed account.
    ** In case you have not paid your previous bill, then the payment due date is 'immediate'.
    Please note, if you are not the intended recipient of this email, do drop us a mail at We will ensure immediate updation at our end.


    This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited . The information contained in this mail is propriety and strictly confidential.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 80.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 29-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 31,860.95.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 25.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX0177 on 29-Jun-18. Info: VIN*GOOGLE *You.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 1,058.10.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 25.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX0177 on 29-Jun-18. Info: VIN*GOOGLE *You.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 1,033.10.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 50.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX0177 on 29-Jun-18. Info: VIN*GOOGLE *SER.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 1,083.10.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 700.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 29-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 31,940.95.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Smart Statement From Bajaj Finance

    If you are not able to view the content given below properly, please click here

    Bajaj Finserv
    Your Statement of Account offers a lot more

    Dear Customer,

    With your Statement of Account, you can now receive complete loan
    details, view pre-approved offers, make service requests or get in touch
    with us as per your convenience.

    Please click here to share your feedback on the Statement of Account.

    Bajaj Finserv

    Credi Card
    Pre-Approved Personal Loan

    Bajaj Finance Limited

    You are subscribed to bajajfinanceltd as If you do not wish to receive any further communications, please click here.

    Smart Statement From Bajaj Finance

    If you are not able to view the content given below properly, please click here

    Bajaj Finserv
    Your Statement of Account offers a lot more

    Dear Customer,

    With your Statement of Account, you can now receive complete loan
    details, view pre-approved offers, make service requests or get in touch
    with us as per your convenience.

    Please click here to share your feedback on the Statement of Account.

    Bajaj Finserv

    Credi Card
    Pre-Approved Personal Loan

    Bajaj Finance Limited

    You are subscribed to bajajfinanceltd as If you do not wish to receive any further communications, please click here.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 20.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 29-Jun-18. Info: IIN*I-Debit*Pay.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 32,640.95.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 38.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 29-Jun-18. Info: IPS*GEETHA HOSP.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 32,660.95.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 1,436.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 29-Jun-18. Info: MIN*Citrusp*ola.

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 32,698.95.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Thursday, 28 June 2018

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

    Dear Customer,

    Greetings from ICICI Bank.

    A purchase of INR 500.00 has been made using your Debit Card linked to ICICI Bank Account XX3493 on 29-Jun-18. Info: MIN*PAYTM .

    The Available Balance in your account is INR 34,134.95.

    In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 04033667777.

    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


    Customer Service Team
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is a system-generated e-mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail.

    Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank Mobile Banking

    Safe Banking
    • Never respond to an e-mail which requires you to confirm, renew or validate your account or card details, even if it appears to have been sent from ICICI Bank. Please do not access ICICI Bank's website though links in e-mails. Check the URL in your browser before entering your user name, password/s.
    • Never provide sensitive account information like Login password, OTP (One time password), URN (Unique registration number), ATM PIN, etc. or personal details in response to an e-mail or phone call. If you have inadvertently shared such information, report it to us immediately.
    • If you receive an e-mail claiming to be from ICICI Bank regarding updating sensitive account information like PIN, Login password, account number, let us know by forwarding the e-mail to
    ICICI Bank Internet Banking | khayaal aapka
    Dear Customer,
    Greetings from ICICI Bank.
    You have made a payment of ₹ 50.0 using iMobile towards from your Account XXXXXXXX0177 . The payment was initiated vide Transaction ID 1480629264 on Jun 29, 2018 at 06:42 hours.
    In case you have not made this transaction, please call on 04033667777.
    NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.
    Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.
    ICICI Bank Limited

    This is an auto generated e-mail. Please do not reply.
    Terms and conditions of ICICI Bank shall apply.

    [IMPORTANT]: Your Vodafone E-Bill for Mobile:99XXXXXX87 (Account No:159679877) for the Month of June'2018

    Relationship No: 159679877
    No. of Connections: 1
    Amount Due: 395.74
    Due Date: 16/07/18
    Late Payment Fee:
    (Payment made after due date)
    Dear Customer,
    Thank you for being a part of the Vodafone family. The details of your postpaid bill for the month of June can be found in the attachment.
    Secure Access
    All your e-bills are password protected to ensure your personal details are safe. An SMS containing your password has already been sent to your Vodafone number.
    To access your e-bill, kindly enter your password, which is a combination of the first 4 letters of your name, or your company's name if registered as such, followed by the last 4 digits of your Vodafone number.
    Name Number Password
    Suresh Rao 9xxxxxx4321 sure4321
    S.K.Gandhi 9xxxxxx4321 s.k.4321
    Techno Ltd 9xxxxxx4321 tech4321
    Never miss a Bill
    To safeguard against your e-bill entering the spam folder please add our e-mail address to your address book.
    Pay bills on the go with MyVodafone App
    Pay bills the convenient way
    by downloading the
    MyVodafone app. What's
    more, you can also check
    your plan details, data
    balance, minutes,
    roaming rates and more.
    More ways to pay
    Direct Debit
    Pay via. your bank
    account or credit card
    Click here to register
    At Vodafone Stores
    Pay by cash, cheque or credit card.
    To pay your bill through
    IVR call 199 and follow
    the instructions
    To pay via M-Pesa and enjoy exciting cashback offers, download the app now
    To view your previous month`s bills or to manage your account online
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    You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the attached E-bill. To download it, click here
    For terms & conditions click here. This is an auto-mailer. Please do not reply to this mail.
    For assistance with your E-bill, contact Vodafone Care by
    Phone : 199 or 9811098110 | Mail:| Website