Friday, 31 May 2024

Account Statement from ICICI Bank

ICICI Bank account Statement from 31-05-2024 to 31-05-2024.

Account Number|Tran Date | Tran Particular | Inst Num | Dr Tran Amt | Cr Tran Amt | Bal Amt | Deposit Branch
-------------- --------- --------------- --------- --------------- --------------- -------- | ------- ------
625905051255| 01-MAY-2024| B/F | | | | 6442386.53|
625905051255| 01-May-2024| UPI/412249413352/UPI Pay/7250417463@payt//ICI01d91 55e57814e589c8be0bae46b926b/ | | 1100.00| 0.00| 6441286.53| RPC - SALEM
625905051255| 01-May-2024| UPI/412250036200/UPI Pay/q898683248@ybl//ICI40dc36 d588be4464b67bd1e3b79a706a/ | | 4266.00| 0.00| 6437020.53| RPC PATNA
625905051255| 02-May-2024| UPI/412353938283/UPI Pay/rajakumar843319//ICIcbcc9 02560184120a03fab7bbfd63880/ | | 5000.00| 0.00| 6432020.53| RPC,AURANGABAD
625905051255| 02-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412310598280/forsiteexp/santosh /SBIN00 02950 | | 10000.00| 0.00| 6422020.53| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 02-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412310614565/formittilabourb/sanjaymitt/B ARB0PUPRIX | | 200000.00| 0.00| 6222020.53| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 02-May-2024| UPI/412354355829/UPI Pay/bk2761747@okici//ICI90f43 86c8b024f9c9815b4e80e79e5e5/ | | 14125.00| 0.00| 6207895.53| RPC - LUDHIANA
625905051255| 02-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412315755844/vinodpile/CBIN0282448 | | 15000.00| 0.00| 6192895.53| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 02-May-2024| NEFT-CITIN24463194224-HDFC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD-B273-0035163093-CITI0000004 | | 0.00| 10.30| 6192905.83| RPC MUMBAI
625905051255| 02-May-2024| NEFT-CITIN24463194630-HDFC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LTD-B273-0035163093-CITI0000004 | | 0.00| 8.42| 6192914.25| RPC MUMBAI
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412406351668/foragesendpmt/manishjigi/SBI N0003685 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 5692914.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412406353344/manishjigitt/SBIN0003685 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 5192914.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412406362871/manishjigitt/SBIN0003685 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 4692914.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412407366214/forpmtmeterial/gudduji4 /PU NB0023700 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 4192914.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412419631580/forkhoraki/aakibcontr/SBIN00 06371 | | 15000.00| 0.00| 4177914.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461105099/UPI Pay/rajakumardas111//ICI7e805 b09501c4dacba8bd130d59db50d/ | | 20000.00| 0.00| 4157914.25| RPC - LUDHIANA
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461123772/forjcvsunil/9523617104@axl//ICIa2 2cba495da6441f9fe2370cabf1d31d/ | | 100000.00| 0.00| 4057914.25| RPC - SALEM
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461132234/UPI Pay/9523617104@axl//ICI9d2535 d7e6d847e5885295d49fc7b107/ | | 37401.00| 0.00| 4020513.25| RPC PANIPAT
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461167528/forramumitti/7462975512@ibl//ICIc a88450fe3a44f0bb92573f91892a5e2/ | | 100000.00| 0.00| 3920513.25| RPC - SURAT
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412420702678/forpmt/sanjaymitt/BARB0PUPRI X | | 260000.00| 0.00| 3660513.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461240863/UPI Pay/8271048313-2@ax//ICI1676b 483f2ce4a18823a5ee3e52cde2a/ | | 8371.00| 0.00| 3652142.25| RPC,AURANGABAD
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461255246/forjensetpmt/subhashcool06@o//ICI a348f7f985784eefb4dd6417da3d2734/ | | 10000.00| 0.00| 3642142.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461262555/UPI Pay/8229010137@payt//ICIaee1a 059b78843f392a48ea4709892c6/ | | 25000.00| 0.00| 3617142.25| RPC - TRICHY
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/RVSL412461262555/UPI Pay/8229010137@payt//ICIa ee1a059b78843f392a48ea4709892c6 | | 0.00| 25000.00| 3642142.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/412461269470/UPI Pay/8229010137@payt//ICI2ca5f 217aed94fbcb41283721b2a9a0b/ | | 20000.00| 0.00| 3622142.25| RPC PATNA
625905051255| 03-May-2024| UPI/RVSL412461269470/UPI Pay/8229010137@payt//ICI2 ca5f217aed94fbcb41283721b2a9a0b | | 0.00| 20000.00| 3642142.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 03-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412420766469/forviswnath/santosh /SBIN0 002950 | | 25000.00| 0.00| 3617142.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563100407/foradv/rajakumar843319//ICI4fd44a 62cc664cceb92afd16a7b7feec/ | | 5000.00| 0.00| 3612142.25| RPC - INDORE
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563247056/forme/7870076687@ybl//ICIbb9c3aac 4fb5412cb100b6e7b1f0afb7/ | | 2500.00| 0.00| 3609642.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 04-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412512075237/manishjigitt/SBIN0003685 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 3109642.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 04-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/412512089150/forpmt/gudduji4 /PUNB002370 0 | | 400000.00| 0.00| 2709642.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563403612/foradv/anandjhaji2000@//ICI9f1fad 25d8cc4f77955963b754c48c27/ | | 7000.00| 0.00| 2702642.25| RPC - SALEM
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563426247/forgst/singh.raghbendr//ICIa2c1ae 843b8c4f8eb8a1af0c46d3ee1c/ | | 100000.00| 0.00| 2602642.25| RPC - INDORE
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563430776/forgst/singh.raghbendr//ICIf478b9 75ef4243c19426a2bdca9e82f5/ | | 100000.00| 0.00| 2502642.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563434796/forgst/singh.raghbendr//ICIc6169d c2744a4fe9b0c011b3d659c1fd/ | | 100000.00| 0.00| 2402642.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 04-May-2024| UPI/412563441469/forgst/deepakitbgs@oks//ICIc497ce cc5ecd400fa472d2d5516533f5/ | | 39000.00| 0.00| 2363642.25| RPC - LUDHIANA
625905051255| 06-May-2024| BIL/NUCL/000836550640/RECHARGE/NUCLEI service | | 301.00| 0.00| 2363341.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 08-May-2024| UPI/412980611934/UPI Pay/7250417463@payt//ICI650c9 a07731e4899b3b191693eef150e/ | | 350.00| 0.00| 2362991.25| RPC PANIPAT
625905051255| 08-May-2024| UPI/412981659562/UPI Pay/kumarnitish2633//ICI90798 2cd55dd4760a338534e173be365/ | | 1148.00| 0.00| 2361843.25| RPC - SALEM
625905051255| 09-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/413010750730/jaymatadi602adv/602 /U BIN0552968 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 1861843.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 09-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/413010756745/jaymatadi/602 /UBIN055 2968 | | 500000.00| 0.00| 1361843.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 10-May-2024| UPI/413188704477/foradv/rajakumar843319//ICI50673d b1cc354e7498ddf8e0184e8771/ | | 30000.00| 0.00| 1331843.25| RPC - INDORE
625905051255| 13-May-2024| UPI/413397317055/forsitemotipur/burbak0110163@o//I CI18b941f5a0064c6197961cdbbfa793ed/ | | 2500.00| 0.00| 1329343.25| RPC - TRICHY
625905051255| 13-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/413419047149/aakibcontroc/SBIN0006371 | | 12000.00| 0.00| 1317343.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 15-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/413609697769/forsiteexppupri/santosh /S BIN0002950 | | 15000.00| 0.00| 1302343.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 16-May-2024| UPI/413711221939/UPI Pay/q917260126@ybl//ICI8e95a6 83e9414c06802fba82dec9514d/ | | 2694.00| 0.00| 1299649.25| RPC - LUDHIANA
625905051255| 17-May-2024| BIL/NUCL/000842108648/RECHARGE/NUCLEI service | | 301.00| 0.00| 1299348.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 17-May-2024| UPI/413817746911/formunnababa/q164226169@ybl//ICI4 c53e4cd5c494deebb3c08918c55a94a/ | | 170.00| 0.00| 1299178.25| RPC-BHOPAL
625905051255| 18-May-2024| UPI/413920295936/fordoc/8227969292@ybl//ICI73b8c7c 088704237813a3264f8be9c62/ | | 2500.00| 0.00| 1296678.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 18-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/413916434745/forextraworkwel/santosh/SBIN 0002950 | | 5000.00| 0.00| 1291678.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 20-May-2024| UPI/414024504331/forpmt/9771995767@okbi//ICI206d98 84dea74fa983fa766276c35593/ | | 15000.00| 0.00| 1276678.25| RPC-BHOPAL
625905051255| 20-May-2024| UPI/414126931555/UPI Pay/q878946406@ybl//ICI87fcd4 0b9fc14d82a5e5341d3ca4b91b/ | | 500.00| 0.00| 1276178.25| RPC - TRICHY
625905051255| 20-May-2024| UPI/414126943184/UPI Pay/q209218393@ybl//ICIa48857 55fa5a45648cd173255125a027/ | | 100.00| 0.00| 1276078.25| RPC PANIPAT
625905051255| 20-May-2024| INF/NEFT/036353779511/RBIS0GSTPMT/GST | | 10844.00| 0.00| 1265234.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 20-May-2024| NEFT-RETURN-36353779511DC-GST-MISMATCH IN CHALLAN AMOUNT R11 | | 0.00| 10844.00| 1276078.25| RPC MUMBAI
625905051255| 20-May-2024| UPI/414128594302/UPI Pay/q307338537@ybl//ICIf356e8 767cdc4156bc48ea31985c3f9a/ | | 396.00| 0.00| 1275682.25| RPC - SALEM
625905051255| 20-May-2024| UPI/414128675209/UPI Pay/paytmqrsdu6cb5r//ICIb79ea d63738f46149d73baacf9b17789/ | | 3500.00| 0.00| 1272182.25| RPC - LUDHIANA
625905051255| 20-May-2024| UPI/414128762840/UPI Pay/q006299885@ybl//ICI1ca3ad 6608904b97bb8259c6bf89b72e/ | | 480.00| 0.00| 1271702.25| RPC PATNA
625905051255| 21-May-2024| UPI/414229687316/UPI Pay/omsaienterprise//ICIf708c fad6bc14b69b2a304894757124a/ | | 120.00| 0.00| 1271582.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 21-May-2024| NEFT*000148125605/RBIS0GSTPMT/GST | 579| 10842.00| 0.00| 1260740.25| PATNA - KHAGAUL ROAD
625905051255| 21-May-2024| UPI/414231512460/UPI Pay/hsbimopad.br060//ICI302ed 8e764a44d15bb72b1340bd0afd9/ | | 4850.00| 0.00| 1255890.25| RPC PATNA
625905051255| 21-May-2024| UPI/RVSL414231512460/UPI Pay/hsbimopad.br060//ICI3 02ed8e764a44d15bb72b1340bd0afd9 | | 0.00| 4850.00| 1260740.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 22-May-2024| UPI/414333643286/fordisal/paytmqr28100505//ICI4b2a 008398d446d997bf2c9498f6180f/ | | 27059.00| 0.00| 1233681.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 22-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/414310550532/ranjan/PUNB0890200 | | 13473.00| 0.00| 1220208.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 22-May-2024| UPI/414333784835/fir/q164226169@ybl//ICIa9be07b279 3448cf9e2efc7af95cace2/ | | 115.00| 0.00| 1220093.25| RPC - TRICHY
625905051255| 23-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/414417875297/forkhoraki/aakibcontr/SBIN00 06371 | | 15000.00| 0.00| 1205093.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 23-May-2024| UPI/414439582214/fordisal/q497467851@ybl//ICI92669 fa30dd443db97114a018094aa18/ | | 2800.00| 0.00| 1202293.25| RPC PANIPAT
625905051255| 24-May-2024| UPI/414543423851/formotipur/burbak0110163@o//ICIa8 3a691ac3914d069dbdea04b710dbb6/ | | 5000.00| 0.00| 1197293.25| RPC-BHOPAL
625905051255| 24-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/414518406406/santosh/SBIN0002950 | | 10000.00| 0.00| 1187293.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 24-May-2024| UPI/414544766801/forpuprisite/deepakitbgs@oks//ICI b5b1c922dbd54cbd8226f5712d790f7e/ | | 15000.00| 0.00| 1172293.25| RPC-BHOPAL
625905051255| 25-May-2024| UPI/414646184860/forsukhi/hrsinghpitambar//ICI5450 128943e9492284640efc05efdfd3/ | | 25000.00| 0.00| 1147293.25| RPC PATNA
625905051255| 25-May-2024| BIL/NUCL/000845345145/RECHARGE/NUCLEI service | | 301.00| 0.00| 1146992.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 25-May-2024| BIL/BPAY/0000000ST62C/BBPS/Airtel Payments B | | 10.00| 0.00| 1146982.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 25-May-2024| UPI/414646978754/UPI Pay/q696841230@ybl//ICI39ba0b 312ea84badb901388ef9262bbe/ | | 3931.00| 0.00| 1143051.25| RPC PANIPAT
625905051255| 27-May-2024| UPI/414855789741/forbus/kumargulshan580//ICI999e83 2016e2467d8261b463bb2d0820/ | | 5640.00| 0.00| 1137411.25| RPC-BHOPAL
625905051255| 27-May-2024| UPI/RVSL414855789741/forbus/kumargulshan580//ICI99 9e832016e2467d8261b463bb2d0820 | | 0.00| 5640.00| 1143051.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 27-May-2024| UPI/414855795318/UPI Pay/kumargulshan580//ICI3eb66 d0a737b4a33ab684bb0e56ed381/ | | 5640.00| 0.00| 1137411.25| RPC - SURAT
625905051255| 30-May-2024| MMT/IMPS/415110670942/forsitepupri/santosh/SBIN000 2950 | | 10000.00| 0.00| 1127411.25| PATNA - KADAMKUAN
625905051255| 30-May-2024| UPI/415167409166/fortoyota/budhamotorsqr@i//ICI7e9 9d26a4f2e4df8900937cd4fb360c2/ | | 100000.00| 0.00| 1027411.25| RPC - LUCKNOW - 0116
625905051255| 30-May-2024| UPI/415167412599/fortoyota/budhamotorsqr@i//ICI785 f86cb846f45daa07ab969ae8fc613/ | | 90000.00| 0.00| 937411.25| RPC - LUDHIANA
625905051255| 31-May-2024| UPI/415270879030/forpmtinsura/budhamotorsqr@i//ICI 10d51e09e1ad4c3999c4e493932f2a77/ | | 8095.00| 0.00| 929316.25| RPC PATNA
625905051255| 31-May-2024| UPI/415271753404/fomotisite/rajakumar843319//ICIf4 b1fb87507c43f094ac0bbed26519b0/ | | 5000.00| 0.00| 924316.25| RPC PANIPAT

Closing Balance as on 01-06-2024 11:03:23 is INR.924316.25 includes Uncleared Funds of INR.0.00

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Payment received on your ICICI Bank Credit Card.

Dear Customer, May 31,2024
Greetings from ICICI Bank!

We have received payment of INR 17,544.61 on your ICICI Bank Credit Card account 4748 XXXX XXXX 8008 on 31-May-2024.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.

Thank you.

ICICI Bank Credit Cards Team.
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Discover a new way of paying your Credit Card bills from your bank account anytime anywhere by using ICICI Bank iMobile. GPRS users, SMS iMobile to 56767661. For details, please click here .
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Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank Mobile Banking

ICICI Bank Internet Banking | khayaal aapka
Dear Customer,
You have made a payment of ₹ 17544.61 using iMobile Pay towards XXXXXXXXXXXX8008 from your Account XXXXXXXXX265 . The payment was initiated through Transaction ID : 0848348607 on May 31, 2024 at 19:33 hours.
In case you have not done this transaction,please call our Customer care.
Never share your OTP, URN, CVV or passwords with anyone even if the person claims to be a bank employee.
Team ICICI Bank

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Status of your SR986790919

Dear Customer,

We have registered your request for Debit Card. Your request number is SR986790919 dated 31-MAY-24. The delivery will be attempted in 5 wkg days- ICICI Bank.

Team ICICI Bank

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Thursday, 30 May 2024

Updation of nominee details for your Demat Account IN302679-XXXXX048

Dear Saurabh Kumar,

As per the Bank’s records, the nominee details have not been updated in your Demat Account IN302679-XXXXX048 maintained with ICICI Bank. As per SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/RTAMB/CIR/P/2021/601 dated Jul 23, 2021, Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD /MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2022/23 dated Feb 24, 2022 and SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1 /P/CIR/20 23/42 dated Mar 27, 2023, it is mandatory to update the nominee or provide the declaration form for opting out of the nomination on or before Jun 30, 2024 failing which, your Demat Account will be frozen/suspended.

Below are the channels to update the Nomination or opt out of the Nomination:
1.Login to ICICI Bank Internet Banking > Investment & Insurance > Demat > Service Request > Demat > Request for Demat Nominee
2.Login to iMobile Pay > Invest & Insure > Demat/Stocks/IPO > Select Demat Account > More Options > Nominee updation
3.Visit the link below to update the Nominee in the NSDL/CDSL Demat Account
a.NSDL :
b.CSDL :
4.Click here to download the form and submit it at the nearest ICICI Bank Branch offering Demat services.
For further information, ‘ask iPal’ on our website and mobile app. You may also contact our Customer Care, your RM or visit any Demat Servicing ICICI Bank Branch.
Please ignore if the nomination or opting out of nomination declaration has already been updated.
For any query or feedback, write to us at from your registered e-mail ID.
Team ICICI Bank
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Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Upcoming payment notification: Standing Instructions on your ICICI Bank Credit Card

Dear Customer,

Your payment of INR 199.00 towards NETFLIX through Standing Instruction WwyJEMiqlR is due on 02/06/2024 and will be debited from your ICICI Bank Credit Card 9003. Click here to cancel this Debit or your Standing Instruction. .

Team ICICI Bank
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Dear Saurabh Kumar,

Hurry! As your Savings Account XX462 has been inactive for more than 2 years, it is currently in dormant state. You will need to visit an ICICI Bank Branch and complete the Re-KYC process immediately, to activate your Dormant Account, access funds and continue banking uninterrupted with safety and security.
You can keep your Account active by transacting regularly using one of India's highest rated mobile banking apps - the iMobile Pay app.
Please ignore, if already done.
Team ICICI Bank
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