Thursday, 28 February 2019

Acct Closure intimation of A/c No. XX2497

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Your ICICI Bank Account XX2497 has been closed on 01-03-2019 and your deliverables have been destroyed.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.

Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

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Delivered: Your ICICI Bank Cheque Book and Debit Card status

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

The Cheque Book and Debit Card for your Account XX6831 has been delivered by Blue Dart Courier on 27-FEB-19 and received by MAMTA.

In case you have not received the same, please call our Customer Care immediately.

Now get digital convenience with iMobile app and Internet Banking. Access a host of services like Generate PIN, Re-issue Debit Card, Order Cheque Book, View/ Download Statements and much more. To know more, visit

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited.

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Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Cash Withdrawal of INR 1,500.00 has been made at an ATM using your Debit Card linked to Account XX6907 on 28-Feb-19. Info: ATM*S1CNI582*CA.

The Available Balance in your Account is INR 185.00.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 18601207777 or SMS BLOCK 6907 to 9215676766 from your registered mobile number.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

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Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Cash Withdrawal of INR 1,523.60 has been made at an ATM using your Debit Card linked to Account XX6324 on 28-Feb-19. Info: NFS*P3ENSA25*CA.

The Available Balance in your Account is INR 67.37.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 18601207777 or SMS BLOCK 6324 to 9215676766 from your registered mobile number.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

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Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Cash Withdrawal of INR 10.03 has been made at an ATM using your Debit Card linked to Account XX6324 on 28-Feb-19. Info: NFS*P3ENSA25*Ba.

The Available Balance in your Account is INR 1,590.97.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 18601207777 or SMS BLOCK 6324 to 9215676766 from your registered mobile number.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

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Confirmation e-mail on registration of new e-mail ID

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

As per your request, your new e-mail ID has been registered in Account on February 28,2019. If not requested by you, please call our Customer Care.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


ICICI Bank Limited

This is an auto generated e-mail, please do not reply to this email.
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Payment received on your ICICI Bank Credit Card.

ICICI Bank Online
Dear Customer, Feb 28,2019
Greetings from ICICI Bank!

We have received payment of INR 3,574.00 on your ICICI Bank Credit Card account 4375 XXXX XXXX 8006 on 28-Feb-2019.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.

Thank you.

ICICI Bank Credit Cards Team.
This is a system generated mail. Please do not reply to this e-mail ID.

Discover a new way of paying your Credit Card bills from your bank account anytime anywhere by using ICICI Bank iMobile. GPRS users, SMS iMobile to 56767661. For details, please click here .
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Now banking is more convenient with:
More than 2500
ICICI Bank Branches
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Important information regarding your account

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.  

We wish to inform you that your Internet Banking User ID will become inactive because you have not logged in to Internet Banking for a long time. Login now to activate the account.   

In case you have forgotten your User ID or Password, you can generate it online.
Experience over 250 services with Internet Banking where you can pay bills, recharge mobile, transfer funds, view statements, make cheque book requests and do a lot more.

For any clarification or more information, you may write to us at from your registered e-mail ID or call our Customer Care.

Looking forward to your co-operation in helping us serve you better.
ICICI Bank Internet Banking Team
Terms and conditions of ICICI Bank and third parties apply.
ICICI Bank is not responsible for third party products, goods, services, and offers.
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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Transaction alert for your ICICI Bank debit card

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Cash Withdrawal of INR 5,000.00 has been made at an ATM using your Debit Card linked to Account XX6831 on 28-Feb-19. Info: ATM*S1CWI704*CA.

The Available Balance in your Account is INR 5,000.00.

In case you have not done this transaction, please call on 18601207777 or SMS BLOCK 6831 to 9215676766 from your registered mobile number.

NEVER SHARE your Card number, CVV, PIN, OTP, Internet Banking User ID, Password or URN with anyone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee. Sharing these details can lead to unauthorised access to your account.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited

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Dispatched: Your ICICI Bank Cheque Book and Debit Card status

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

The Cheque Book and Debit Card for your Account XX6831 has been sent by Blue Dart Courier, AWB 35639641041 on 26-FEB-19.

To track the status, visit or login to iMobile>Services>Check Status.

Now get digital convenience with iMobile app and Internet Banking. Access a host of services like Generate PIN, Re-issue Debit Card, Order Cheque Book, View/ Download Statements and much more. To know more, visit

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited.

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Update KYC in ICICI Bank Saving Account XX3616

Dear Customer,

We value your relationship with ICICI Bank.

As per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines on Know Your Customer (KYC) norms, customers are required to periodically update their KYC details with the Bank. Your Account XX3616 is due for KYC update.

Please update your KYC details for uninterrupted operations in your account, by visiting the nearest ICICI Bank branch with the original copy of your identity and address proof as mentioned below:

DocumentID ProofAddress Proof
PAN Card✔-
Voter ID/ Driving licence/ Valid Passport/ Aadhaar Card/ NREGA Job Card/ National Population Register (NPR) Smart Card✔✔
In case your account is held in joint names, please provide similar information for all the joint holders along with self-attested identity, address proof documents and latest colour photograph.

In case you require any further information, please visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch.

Please ignore this communication in case you have already updated KYC details in your account.

Looking forward to your co-operation in helping us serve you better.
ICICI Bank Ltd.
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 Terms and Conditions of ICICI Bank apply.  

Dispatched: Your ICICI Bank Credit Card Statement status

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

The Credit Card Statement for your Account XX4002 has been sent by Swift Air Express, AWB 226137800 on 26-FEB-19.

To track the status, visit or login to iMobile>Services>Check Status.

Now get digital convenience with iMobile app and Internet Banking. Access a host of services like Generate PIN, Re-issue Debit Card, Order Cheque Book, View/ Download Statements and much more. To know more, visit

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited.

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Reached Hub: Your ICICI Bank Cheque Book and Debit Card status

Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

The Cheque Book and Debit Card for Account XX6831 has reached Delhi Hub and is ready for dispatch to your address. The dispatch details will be sent to you within 24 hours.

Now get digital convenience with iMobile app and Internet Banking. Access a host of services like Generate PIN, Re-issue Debit Card, Order Cheque Book, View/ Download Statements and much more. To know more, visit

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


Customer Service Team
ICICI Bank Limited.

This is an auto generated e-mail. Please do not reply.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Welcome to ICICI Bank Savings Account!

Welcome to ICICI Bank
Welcome to ICICI Bank
Dear Customer,

Welcome to ICICI Bank and to a new level of convenience, services and many other banking benefits.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing us as your preferred banking partner.
Wide network of branches and ATMs: You are never too far from your account - we have a wide network of 4,800+ branches and 14,300+ ATMs across India.
Round-the-clock access: You get 24x7 access to your account through ATM, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.
Extended banking hours: You can enjoy the facility of extended banking hours at more than 80% of our branches which are open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
To safeguard all the vital information given to you along with the Welcome Kit, kindly adhere to the following guidelines:
Change your ATM PIN, Internet Banking login and transaction password as soon as you receive them and refrain from sharing these details with anyone.
Never write down your ATM PIN. Memorise it.
Do not share your Internet Banking User Id and Password with anyone.
We have enclosed the Account Opening Form (AOF) with details as provided by you at the time of account opening.
To view your AOF, you require an 8-character password. The first 4 letters of your password are the first 4 letters of your name followed by your date and month of birth in DDMM format. The password is case-sensitive (lowercase). Please do not include any special characters, spaces or salutations (if any).
For example, if the name is Sujit Sawant and your date of birth is January 5, 1950, then your password will be suji0501.
You require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click here to download it.
To ensure the safety of your account, you are requested to inform us about any changes in the details as mentioned in the form. To update your details, please visit the nearest ICICI Bank branch with the original documents.
For any clarification or more information, you may write to us at from your registered e-mail ID or call our Customer Care.

Looking forward to more opportunities to be of service to you.


ICICI Bank Limited
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Monday, 25 February 2019

It's more than just an ATM Card! Do more with ICICI Bank Debit Card

You can do more than just ATM withdrawals with ICICI Bank Debit Card
Dear Customer,

Greetings from ICICI Bank.

Your ICICI Bank Debit Card is not just an ATM Card, it's much more!

Start using your ICICI Bank Debit Card. It comes with exciting benefits and features giving you a secure, convenient and rewarding experience. You can use your ICICI Bank Debit Card for shopping, dining, travel, online transactions, bill payments and all your payment needs.

What's more,

Get to know the latest offers and discounts available on your ICICI Bank Debit Card from:
Get special offers on your ICICI Bank Debit Card at 2,500+ restaurants with our Culinary Treats Programme. Discount starting from 15%.
Home of the amazing offers, deals and discounts for ICICI Bank Debit Card
So, use your ICICI Bank Debit Card wherever you go and enjoy the maximum benefits.


Amarjit Walia
Head - Consumer & Commercial Cards
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